
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Meal of the Week - Introduction

Sometimes I find myself in a rut with food, especially because my husband and I are on opposite ends of the taste spectrum. He likes meat and simple, unadorned vegetables. He enjoys dairy-based sauces and abhors stir-fries. I love stir-fries and lots of vegetables. I love garlic, onions and peppers. These things make my husband ill.

Between the two of us, my husband is the far superior cook. However, I am the homemaker, so the onus is upon me to figure out what to serve the family on a regular basis. I won't even try to factor in our children's tastes, which vacillate to wildly to dictate a menu -- my daughter used to love vegetable lasagna, but the second I made a batch big enough to have extras frozen as last resort meals, she declared that she couldn't stand the stuff.

The whole endeavor is more greatly complicated by the fact that we both try to eat relatively healthful meals. We usually fail, but rather than serving everything in a cream of mushroom sauce slathered in butter and cheese (hello Paula Deen!), which would taste awesome but cause our hearts to explode, we strive for healthy at least.

I often find myself in a pinch and come up with blanks as to what to plan for a week of food. I'll forget how, six months' prior, I'd tried a great and simple recipe that everybody loved (or at least ate) that somehow fell off the list.

Thus, I thought it would be handy to write up bits about meals that go over well each week. This is my intro to myself to remember why I started this "label" category.

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